Customer service in restaurants is no longer the same. Traditionally, if you had an upset customer, they’d just take it up with the manager and that would be the end of it.
Nowadays, if a customer has an issue it’s becomes more and more likely that these interactions are going to take place somewhere online like yelp or google.
That’s not to say customers won’t still ask to speak with a manager at the restaurant.
But more and more of these interactions will one way or another end up appearing on one of those online communities.
And so that means the value of that interaction can be far greater than the value of that one customer because there can be hundreds and thousands of people who may actually see that interaction.
That is why we ALWAYS Respond to reviews. Not just bad reviews, ALL reviews. Good AND bad.
And when you’re responding, remember…it’s not just about making this one customer happy. It’s also about how you come off to everyone else who’s seeing this interaction.
REPUTATION matters now more than it ever has.
People are willing to pay more and drive further for a restaurant with better reviews.
That means, even if you have better food or service than a competitor…if you’re not managing your reviews and they are, customers will end up choosing them over you.
This is why we have a system that is actively monitoring for new reviews and mentions.
And when we do get a review, we leverage each and every one as an opportunity to demonstrate how we live in to our values.